



Philip Levens' rise in the television production industry began in the narrative-rich setting of Lubbock, Texas. His innate passion for storytelling, nurtured during his formative years, set the stage for a distinguished career. At the University of Texas in Austin, he refined these storytelling skills, laying a solid academic foundation for his future in television production.

Forging a Path in Los Angeles
Post-graduation, he embarked on his professional journey in the heart of the television industry in Los Angeles. His unique combination of Texan resilience and creative innovation quickly distinguished him in this dynamic and challenging arena. His early experiences in Los Angeles were critical in shaping his approach to television production and understanding the industry's nuances.

Pioneering and Leading in TV Production
A significant milestone in his career was his role in the creation and showrunner of "Ascension" for Universal and Lionsgate. This project underscored his creative and leadership skills and marked a significant achievement in his career, as it became an integral part of Netflix's collection. His groundbreaking work in television production solidified his reputation as an industry leader.

Building an Impressive Portfolio
He boasts a rich portfolio, having developed over 20 television pilots for ABC, USA, Fox, and NBC networks. His involvement in series like "Smallville," "Wolf Lake," "Night Visions," and "Knight Rider" not only garnered him widespread acclaim but also reinforced his status as a creative powerhouse. His talent for forging successful collaborations has been crucial to his career.

Diverse Collaborations and Artistic Impact
Philip work with studios such as Imagine, Joel Silver, Marvel, Warner Bros, Universal, Disney, and Lionsgate demonstrates his wide-reaching influence in television. His projects span many genres, reflecting his versatility and creative depth.

Dedication to Personal Interests and Philanthropy
Beyond his professional endeavors, he is passionately involved in weightlifting and sailing, which exemplify his commitment and discipline. His philanthropic initiatives, including support for Sea Sustain and local food banks and homeless shelters in Venice, highlight his dedication to social responsibility and community betterment.

Guiding Future Generations of Television Professionals
His journey inspires those aspiring to make their mark in the television industry, emphasizing the value of creativity, perseverance, and dedication to one's craft.

Redefining Television's Narrative
Philip Levens' career in television production is a story of innovation, dedication, and exemplary achievements. His journey from Texas to a leading role in the industry represents personal success. It serves as a guiding light for future storytellers, shaping the narrative future of television with a legacy marked by creativity and excellence.